Why Digital Health Startups Should Hire Fractional Chief Medical Officers


Digital health startups at the intersection of healthcare and technology aim to deploy clinically relevant, scalable solutions that positively impact patient outcomes. As the journey to translate business objectives into clinical results progresses, the need for clinical executive support evolves at each step. Ideal clinical leaders serve as dyad partners to the CEO, contributing to clinical, operational, business, and commercialization strategies.

Care delivery Medical Directors with a few years of experience can guide the clinical and operational aspects of most early-stage startups. Managed Care leaders with business experience (e.g., P&L, contracting, commercialization) can support the growth needs. Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) with broader hybrid experience are often recruited to guide later-stage startups. 

The Role of a Chief Medical Officer

A CMO in a digital health startup is crucial for bridging clinical expertise with business strategy. Their primary job is to ensure the clinical product is both feasible and effective while aligning with a scalable business model. This involves validating the medical soundness, impacting measurable outcomes, integrating into clinical workflows, and gaining clinician buy-in. Concurrently, the CMO must ensure the solution is economically viable, scalable, and competitive. 

In essence, the CMO has many roles but ultimately translates clinical goals into a feasible, scalable business strategy, ensuring the startup's success by aligning clinical feasibility with business objectives.

Early-Stage Startups can grow with a Fractional CMO

However, hiring a full-time CMO may not be financially feasible for early-stage startups. This is where the concept of a fractional CMO comes in—a part-time executive who brings the necessary medical expertise without the full-time commitment. 

This approach provides access to high-level medical expertise without the financial burden of a full-time salary. A fractional CMO brings valuable clinical insights and strategic guidance on a part-time basis, offering flexibility and cost efficiency. Additionally, fractional CMOs often have diverse experience from working with multiple startups, bringing a wealth of knowledge and industry connections that can be invaluable for a growing company.

Fractional CMOs can assist digital health startups in three major categories, focusing on internal clinical performance optimization and external commercialization, while maintaining financial efficiency and flexibility.

Internal Clinical Performance Optimization

Enhancing Clinical Quality and Compliance

A fractional CMO can provide invaluable oversight on clinical protocols, patient safety measures, and regulatory compliance. 

They bring a wealth of experience and a critical eye, helping to:

  • Establish supervisory infrastructure, develop robust clinical protocols, and implement quality assurance programs that are data centered and patient focused.

  • Develop continuous improvement processes to not only monitor performance, but integrate opportunities into ongoing product and solution upgrades.

Optimizing Operational Efficiency

Fractional CMOs can provide structure to clinical operations, assess unit economics, and develop pathways towards operational profitability.

This operational expertise can lead to:

  • Establish key process metrics, prioritizing patient outcomes, and refining clinical workflows.

  • Addressing bottlenecks and inefficiencies because of their dual experience as often being a user and an operator.

  • Streamline clinical processes and reduce unnecessary variability that impacts costs, minimizing waste and maximizing value.

Supporting Outcomes Assessment

As solutions move beyond engagement and clinical outcomes to impact utilization, expansion and evolution of payment models can be an incremental differentiator to investors.

An experienced CMO can support their outcomes assessment evolution needed for value-based contracting by:

  • Spearheading strategic projects and demonstrations that ensure rigorous measurement of the solution’s impact on Risk, Quality, and Affordability.

  • Acting as a bridge between the startup and academic institutions, research organizations, and risk bearing entities to foster collaborative innovation.

  • Ensuring that new research findings are effectively disseminated and translated through national meetings, policy discussions, and social media publications.

 External Commercialization and Growth

Building Credibility and Trust

Payers, risk bearing entities, and solutions buyers get pitched hundreds of solutions per year.  A fractional CMO could extend their professional legitimacy to a startup, which may be a decisive factor for investors, partners, and customers. 

This could lead to:

  • Attracting funding by demonstrating that the startup has the medical expertise and healthcare experience necessary to succeed.

  • Stronger partnerships with healthcare providers, insurers, and other stakeholders by showcasing clinical credibility.

  • Gaining the trust of patients and healthcare professionals who use the startup’s products or services.

Driving Market Strategy and Expansion

A fractional CMO can significantly impact the startup’s market strategy. Their medical insights of care models, friction points, provider behaviors, payment models, and what hasn’t worked in the past are crucial for understanding market segment needs.

They help position the startup’s offerings effectively by:

  • Analyzing healthcare trends, specific buyer needs (i.e. Payer vs. payvider), and the sub-population segment needs to guide future opportunities.

  • Pressure testing business and commercialization assumptions, and crafting patient centric communication strategy to highlight the startup’s differential ability to drive outcomes.

  • Navigating the complexities of value-based contracting, including understanding different priorities of risk bearing entities in Risk, Quality, and Affordability commercialization cycles.

Facilitating Product Development and Differentiation

The development of clinically sound and innovative products is essential for the success of digital health startups. 

A fractional CMO can provide guidance throughout the product development lifecycle by:

  • Advising on product features and functionalities that drive meaningful benefit to patients and healthcare providers.

  • Helping startups develop unique value propositions based on value-based outcomes, setting the product apart from competitors.

  • Monitoring product performance and the experience of patients and client executives, ensuring continuous improvement and service recovery.

 Financial Efficiency and Flexibility

Cost-Effective Expertise

For many startups, the cost of hiring an experienced full-time CMO can be prohibitive. Fractional CMOs provide a cost-effective alternative, delivering high-level expertise without the financial burden of a full-time salary. 

This financial efficiency allows startups to:

  • Invest in other critical areas such as technology development, marketing, and scaling operations.

  • Bring in CMOs with specific expertise relevant to different phases of the startup’s growth, from early development to market expansion.

  • Adapt quickly to changing needs and market conditions without being locked into long-term executive contracts. 


Fractional CMOs offer the flexibility to scale their involvement up or down based on the startup’s needs. This scalability is particularly valuable in the dynamic environment of digital health startups, where requirements can change rapidly. 

Benefits include:

  • Increasing the fractional CMO’s involvement during critical phases, such as product launches or clinical trials, and scaling back during periods of stability.

  • Engaging clinical executives with specialized skills for short-term projects or specific challenges, ensuring that the startup always has access to the right expertise at the right time.

  • Building lasting relationships with fractional CMOs who can provide continuity and institutional knowledge as the startup evolves.


Hiring a fractional Chief Medical Officer offers numerous advantages for digital health startups, striking a balance between high-level medical expertise and the flexibility and cost-efficiency essential for growth and innovation. 

Fractional CMOs enhance internal clinical performance by ensuring quality, compliance, and operational efficiency while driving external commercialization and growth through strategic market insights, product development, and credibility building. 

By providing critical clinical oversight and aligning it with scalable business strategies, fractional CMOs equip startups with the leadership necessary to navigate the complexities of the digital health landscape successfully.

If your startup needs expert guidance to optimize clinical performance and drive business growth, Quintuple Aim Solutions' experienced advisors can provide strategic leadership, operational excellence, and clinical innovation to ensure sustainable success.

Written By:

Reza Alavi, MD, MHS, MBA; reza@quintupleaim.com

Shreya Jain, MBS; shreya@quintupleaim.com

Quintuple Aim Solutions accelerates the path towards value by consulting, advising, and investing in innovative solutions.

To learn more, email us at info@QuintupleAim.com.


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